Projects: Remembering

In 2013, the foundation published a book providing a portrait of Henri Moerel, consisting of a series of vignettes based on interviews with his neighbours and friends.

In 2014, the Foundation funded “Struikelstenen”, an initiative of Joods Tilburg (home town of the Moerel family) to lay small memorial stones in the pavements in front of houses that were the last known addresses of those who were deported in WWII.

In 2015, the year of the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII, HMF provides financial support to “Tilburg herinnert en herdenkt” (“Tilburg remembers and commemorates”, a joint initiative of the Jewish History Museum, Tilburg University and various partner organisations to remember and commemorate those who perished in WWII and to honour those who were part of the resistance movement, providing support to their neighbours and fellow citizens during these difficult years.